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Giménez, Madrid's Minister of Economy: "The hotel and catering industry is not closing down. People have to earn a living".   The man who pilots 20% of Spain's GDP advances in EL PAÍS the first lines of the region's budget, which will have 235 million euros in...

[sonaar_audioplayer playlist_title="Podcast" artwork_id="" feed="" player_layout="skin_float_tracklist" hide_progressbar="default" display_control_artwork="false" hide_artwork="false" show_playlist="false" show_track_market="false" show_album_market="false" hide_timeline="false"][/sonaar_audioplayer]An independent, the economist and lawyer Manuel Giménez Rasero, will be the new Minister of Economy, Competitiveness and Employment in Isabel Díaz Ayuso's government, a Ciudadanos bet for the coalition government of the Community...