Ramos de Molins & Abogados Asociados

Our team


All our lawyers gather remarkable expertise in the areas of Law in which we specialize.

Alfonso Ramos de Molins Sainz de Baranda

  • Graduated in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 1991.


  • He passed the State Lawyer opposition in 1996.


  • He has held various positions in the Public Administration such as State Attorney in the State Legal Service in Cantabria, State Tax Administration Agency, National Inspection Office (ONI), General Sub-directorate for Consultative and Litigation Affairs, National Coordinator of Tax Crime, Secretary Technical General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Secretary of the Council and of the Telecommunications Market Commission.


  • In the private sector, he has carried out the functions of management, as General Counsel for important Spanish business groups.


  • Alfonso also advices on telecommunication Law.


  • Member of the Madrid Bar Association .

Fernando Preciado Díaz-Rubio:

  • Fernando Preciado Díaz-Rubio has a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1992-1997) and for 3 years he prepared Oppositions for access to the Judicial Career and the Prosecutor Career. He has completed a General Course of Legal Practice at the Higher School of Legal Practice (JURIS).


  • He also has a Master in Legal Advice from IE LawSchool , a Master in Tax Advice from the Center for Financial Studies in Madrid and an Accounting module for Tax Advisors at the Center for Financial Studies.


  • In the year 2000, he joined the Susino Abogados Firm as Head of the Civil and Commercial Legal Area . In 2008 he became part of the Juan Caldés Abogados law firm as an Associate and since 2011 he has been a Partner of the Ramos de Molins Abogados law firm in which he advises companies and individuals in Civil and Commercial matters.


  • Beside his expertise in Commercial Law, Fernando normally appears before courts and Arbitration institutions.

Manuel Giménez :

Manuel Giménez is International Legal Studies LL.M. (NYU, Rafael del Pino Scholar), has a degree in Political Science (Autonomous University of Madrid), a degree in Business Administration and a degree in Law (ICADE E-3).

  • Between 2019 and 2021 Manuel was the Regional Minister of Economy, Employment and Competitiveness of the Government of the Community of Madrid, for which he was hired as an independent professional.


  • He began his career as a lawyer in Clifford Chance’s Litigation department in 2006. After concluding his studies in Business Administration ( 2007 , UPComillas ) and Political Science and Administration ( 2008, UAM ), he obtained a scholarship from the Rafael del Pino Foundation to study the “International Legal Studies LL.M.” from New York University (NYU), which he did in the 2010-2011 academic year.


  • Since 2011, he has specialized in civil and commercial litigation before ordinary courts and before various arbitration courts, before which he acts as counsel and as arbitrator. He has represented companies in disputes for contractual claims, Insurance Law claims, for breaches of competition Law or unfair practices (unfair competition).


  • As Minister of Economy, Employment and Competitiveness of the Community of Madrid, he was in charge of the economic planning of the region, the attraction of investments, internationalization, Industry, Energy, Commerce, Consumption, the self-employed and entrepreneurs, the social economy, active employment policies and professional training for employment, being also the regional Labor Law authority.


  • Between 2012 and 2019 he was a professor of EU Law and World Trade Organization Law at UPComillas and U. Ramón Llull (ESADE), where he returned in 2021.